Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0

In a Forbes article entitled, “Why CEOs Fail”, the authors Ram Caran and Geoffrey Colvin wrote that successful executives excel in the area of emotional intelligence. They show integrity, insight into people, and assertiveness; and they communicate effectively and build trust.

Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. Managing our emotions is key to success in every area of our lives from the daily interactions within a family to the ability of a leader to get the best out of his team.

The EQ‐i 2.0® assessment of emotional intelligence is a reliable and valid instrument that has been found to be perceptive and easy to use. It consists of fifteen factors across five categories of functioning: Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal Decision Making and Stress Management. It also includes an overall composite that indicates general well-being.

These skills, which form the building blocks of abilities such as communication, discipline, resilience, and social awareness, can be taught and enhanced leading to increased job competency, productivity, academic performance, and other measures of success.

While the EQ-i 2.0® identifies an individual’s level of emotional and social functioning, there is also an EQ 360 assess­ment that provides a more in-depth analysis through the feedback of those who work with an individual. When feedback provider rat­ings are compared with the results of an EQ-i 2.0 self-report, a more complete 360-degree profile emerges.

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